class: center, middle, inverse, title-slide # Infrastructure is not enough: disadvantge and cycling participation in England ## π΄π΄πΏπ΄π΄ ### Vidal Tortosa, Lovelace, Heinen, and Mann ### 14/07/20 --- class: center, middle # Background --- background-image: url('Images/cycling_park_image.jpg') background-size: cover class: center, middle, inverse # Benefits of cycling are widely recognised --- background-image: url('Images/cargo-bike-996-1508880736.jpg') background-size: cover class: center, middle, inverse # More opportunities ??? As a mode of transport (more opportunities to escape the cycle of poverty) --- background-image: url('Images/ciclovia_0.png') background-size: cover class: inverse, center, middle # More physical activity ??? As a source of physical activity (more physical and mental wellness to reduce health inequalities) --- ## Association socioeconomic position and cycling use? -- <img src="./Images/Socioeconomic status vs cycling1.jpg" width="100%" /> --- ## Association socioeconomic position and cycling use? <img src="./Images/Socioeconomic status vs cycling2.jpg" width="100%" /> --- ## Association socioeconomic position and cycling use? <img src="./Images/Socioeconomic status vs cycling3.jpg" width="100%" /> --- ## Association socioeconomic position and cycling use? <img src="./Images/Socioeconomic status vs cycling.jpg" width="100%" /> --- ## Equitable distribution of cycle-friendly environments? -- .pull-left[North America <!-- --><!-- --> ] -- .pull-right[South America <!-- --><!-- --> ] --- ## Cycling among disadvantaged populations in England -- .pull-left[Bradford-Leeds Superhighway <img src="./Images/Bradford-Leeds-map.jpg" width="100%" /><img src="./Images/Bradford-Leeds.jpg" width="100%" /> ] -- .pull-right[Non-infrastructural measures <img src="./Images/Free_bikes.jpg" width="100%" /><img src="./Images/-jwt4863.jpg" width="100%" /> ] --- class: center, middle # Aims --- class: middle ## - Extent to which socioeconomic disadvantage affects cycling -- ## - Extent to which this impact could be explained by the environment --- class: center, middle # Data and Methods --- ## Data <img src="./Images/Data.jpg" width="50%" /> --- ## Data ```r # First 6 rows of the dataset head(mydata) ``` ``` ## total leisure utility gender age ethnicity education occupation ## 1 1 1 0 Female 16-34 White High Higher ## 2 0 0 0 Male 16-34 White Medium Higher ## 3 0 0 0 Male 75+ White High <NA> ## 4 0 0 0 Male 55-74 White High Higher ## 5 1 1 0 Female 16-34 White High Students/others ## 6 0 0 0 Male 35-54 Non-white High Lower ## urb/rural deprivation cycle tracks cycle lanes quietness density hilliness ## 1 Urban Q5 (least) 0.09 0.04 71.55 646.88 2.60 ## 2 Urban Q1 (most) 4.91 1.80 73.49 4595.88 2.13 ## 3 Urban Q5 (least) 1.67 0.49 71.28 812.50 4.15 ## 4 Rural Q4 0.13 0.00 70.95 180.51 1.94 ## 5 Urban Q4 8.76 0.77 73.63 2007.01 2.85 ## 6 Urban Q1 (most) 1.44 0.25 70.87 4279.65 2.28 ``` --- ## Methods ### Descriptive statistics ### Multilevel binary logistic regression models <img src="./Images/Conceptual model_big.jpg" width="75%" /> --- class: center, middle # Results --- ## Descriptive results
--- ## Descriptive results
--- ## Descriptive results
--- ## Multilevel analyses
--- class: center, middle # Discussion and conclusions --- class: middle ## Extent socioeconomic disadvantage affects cycling - Negative relationship deprivation and cycling use (leisure/utility) - Research supports this results for leisure, but not for utility cycling -- ## Extent this impact could be explained by the environment - Deprived areas more suitable for cycling - Because these tend to be in city centers - Infrastructure not enough to engage disadvantaged people cycling -- ## Limitations - Cross sectional and self-reported data - No LSOA-level - Risk of ecological fallacy - Other environmental factors not considered --- background-image: url('Images/1000w.jpg') background-position: 50% 50% class: bottom, center # If infrastructure is not enough ... # What other measures may help to achieve cycling equity? --- background-size: cover class: inverse, center, middle, # Thanks! Code used at For further information visit